Department of Public Safety

The Department of Public Safety extends a warm welcome to our students, faculty, staff, and guests. Security officers may be contacted 24 hours a day by utilizing the Carson-Newman LiveSafe Application or by calling (865) 548-9067911 should only be called for life-threatening emergencies only.


Carson-Newman University has partnered with LiveSafe to provide Emergency Notifications to faculty, staff, and students. 这项服务是可选的,只需要你花几分钟的时间注册,我们鼓励每个C-N员工和学生都这样做. 此系统将只用于紧急通知和其他官方通知,不会用于广告. Some examples included Clery Act Required Emergency Notifications (Active Shooter, Predators on Campus, (或严重刑事罪行),它也将用于恶劣天气事件,如雷暴警报和龙卷风警报. In the event of a campus emergency, 短信提醒将发送到您的手机, an alert to the live safe application, 还有一封电子邮件,发到你注册时选择的地址.


Public Safety Information

Carson-Newman Department of Public Safety extends a welcome to our students, employees, and guests. The Department of Public Safety endeavors to serve the Carson-Newman community with courteousness, impartiality, and consistency. To ensure the parking privileges of parking decal holders and the community we serve, I request that all users of campus parking follow the regulations delineated here. I welcome your recommendations to assist in keeping our campus safe and secure.

值得注意的是,这些规定适用于在全球赌博十大网站操作机动车辆的每个人. Students, faculty, contractors, visitors, 除非符合相关州法律和全球赌博十大网站的规定,否则工作人员不得在大学场地上操作或停放任何机动车. For the purpose of these regulations, Title 55 of the Tennessee Traffic Laws defines a “motor vehicle” as every vehicle, including a low-speed vehicle or a medium-speed vehicle that are self-propelled, and every vehicle, including a low-speed vehicle or a medium speed vehicle that is propelled by electric power.

为了保证校园内交通的安全有序运行, 全球赌博十大网站完全执行田纳西州交通法的所有法规和规定, including but not limited to “Stopping, 站立和停车及附加停车规则,” specifically 55-8-160, 55-8-161和55-8-162以及机动车, traffic and parking regulations enumerated within Jefferson City Municipal Code. Additionally, 应该注意的是,在草地上不允许停车或开车, sidewalks, in driveways, 或任何其他非指定的停车或驾驶区域,除了授权的卡森-纽曼车辆或批准的承包商.

在卡森-纽曼校园停车需要显示停车贴花或有效的访客通行证在任何时候, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. 一个有效的徽章或访客通行证并不能免除你寻找合法停车位的责任. 这一责任仅由机动车辆经营者承担, 而且找不到合适的停车位也不能成为违反停车规定的正当理由.


Definition of a Visitor: Persons not connected with the university who occasionally has reasons to be on campus. 我们要求所有访客填写这张表 Visitor Vehicle Registration form.

Visitors and guests must register their vehicles and receive a Temporary Parking Pass, which will be valid for a set period. 持贴花者在校园内驾驶无贴花的车辆(租车), leased vehicle, borrowed) must apply for a Temporary Parking Pass at the Department of Public Safety. 在Chick-Fil-A指定地点用餐和停车或在Maddox学生活动中心参观书店的游客不受此要求的限制. 司机需要提供车辆描述, contact information, 以及车辆在校园的预期时间. 临时停车通行证将被放置在仪表板上,与面对前挡风玻璃的措辞.

所有在大学停车场内停车必须有许可证. 校园地图和访客停车许可证可在位于布兰纳大道2209号的公共安全部门获得, the switchboard in the Fite Administration Building located at 1646 Russell Ave., and at the Admissions Office located in the Butler Building 1645 Russell Ave., Visitors are required to secure and display a valid parking pass when parking in University lots.

邀请访客进入校园的院系应与公共安全部门联系,安排访客停车. 特殊客人停车的要求应尽可能提前提交给公共安全部门. 特殊活动停车请求,包括会议停车安排,应至少提前七(7)天提交,以便协调收到的众多停车请求. 公共安全部门是校园停车通行证的唯一授权发行人,可致电865-471-3559或24小时电话865-548-9067.

引文是全年写的, 24 hours per day, 一年365天,无论学校是否在上课. 罚款可亲自到行政大楼的司库办公室或布兰纳大街2209号的公共安全部缴纳(如果只在头14天内缴纳)。. A financial hold on student accounts for citations will be lifted within an hour after payment.


Citations may be appealed within FOURTEEN (14) calendar days 收到停车罚单时,可亲自向布兰纳大街2209号的公共安全部门巡逻主管提出申诉. If you submit an appeal, 您将收到卡森-纽曼学生和员工的电子邮件地址的电子邮件通知.

Appeals must be made by the person cited or person to whom the vehicle is registered. 其他人的口头或书面请求将不被接受,除非澄清被引用的人不是活跃的卡森-纽曼员工或学生.


  • Lack of knowledge of the regulations or did not see posted regulation/signage
  • Other vehicles were parked improperly
  • 只是违规停了一小段时间/亮了警灯
  • Stated failure of parking officer to ticket previously for similar offenses
  • Late to class or appointment
  • Inability to pay the amount of the fine
  • No other place to park
  • Permission to park given by anyone other than the Public Safety Patrol Supervisor or Director
  • Inclement weather conditions
  • 将车停在残障人士无障碍通道(划线区)

How to Avoid a Citation

  • 始终将您的贴花贴在驾驶员挡风玻璃的下侧.
  • Always park between the white lines and don’t block drive ways or handicap access.
  • Obey timed parking 7 A.M. to 5 P.M.

Finally, when in doubt, 参考你的停车规则和地图, or call The Department of Public Safety at 865-471-3559 during normal business hours. After hours Department of Public Safety can be contacted via LiveSafe or at 865-548-9067.

An employee or student who receives MORE THAN Three (3) citations, 在同一学术学期中,有薪或无薪(但不包括上诉中的引用)可能会被要求放弃其在该学术学期剩余时间内的停车特权. Their vehicle is also subject to towing or having a boot placed on the vehicle. 违规者将需要与公共安全部门巡逻主管或主任亲自会面,讨论没收停车特权的问题. 在停车许可证被没收后,将车停在校园里的人可能会被扣押,直到支付所有的罚款, including the impoundment fee.

60-Day Crime Log

每日犯罪日志的目的是记录所有犯罪事件和涉嫌犯罪事件,这些事件报告给卡森-纽曼公共部门或杰斐逊市警察局卡森-纽曼部门. Therefore, 并不是所有犯罪记录上的事件都包含在Clery的统计数据中, JCPD statistics, or being investigated by law enforcement.

Incidents are posted within two business days of the information being reported to Public Safety. A business day is Monday through Friday, except for days when the institution is closed (such as holidays or other scheduled breaks).

Please be advised that both the U. S. 教育部年度犯罪报告, (AKA as the Clery Act), for the calendar year 2021, 可以在大学的网站上查阅. The report also includes the crime data for 2018 through 2021 as mandated by law. 还包括美国能源部2022年的报告,该大学的校园住宿设施以及年度消防安全报告,其中描述了没有火灾, in residences, at the University during that time. Other information as to pertaining to/regarding the security programs, emergency protocol, etc.,也可以在安全指南或学生手册中查阅.

The information contained in the Annual Crime Report includes selected criminal offenses (,Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter, Negligent manslaughter, Sex offenses – Forcible, Rape, Fondling, Sex offenses – Non-forcible, Incest, Statutory rape, Robbery, Aggravated assault, Burglary, Motor vehicle theft, Arson) Hate Crimes, VAWA Offences, Arrests, Disciplinary Actions, Unfounded Crimes and Fire Statistics.

美国能源部和TBI的犯罪数据也可以在公共安全部(在线)或我们的网站上查阅. 我们的办公室位于布兰纳大街2209号.,就在校园自助餐厅的后面. The office phone number is 471-3559. If a paper Copy of the Report is requested it will be printed and provided free of charge.


Department of Education  输入全球赌博十大网站,并按下标签继续,你将被带到全球赌博十大网站最新的犯罪统计数据.

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation /创伤性脑损伤/部门/ cjis-division /最近出版.html  在出版物下面,你会看到一个标题“校园犯罪”. 在这个标题下面,你会看到不同的年份 . click on the year you wish to review and a PDF containing that information will open.


Employees, students, contractors and volunteers, who will be driving University’s vans, WeCars, rental cars or their own personal vehicles for official Carson-Newman trips, 必须先参加公共安全学院的驾驶课程,才能被加入大学的认可司机名单.

If you wish to become an approved driver, 第一步是带着你的驾照和保险信息以及机动车辆报告(DMV)到位于布兰纳大街2209号的公共安全办公室. 另外,请填写《全球网赌十大网站》. Based upon the results of the DMV report, 如果你被批准参加驾驶课程,你会收到通知.

一旦得到公共安全部的批准,  我们会联系你安排参加驾驶课的时间.


  • PRINT and/or download and READ the Driving Manual
  • PRINT and/or download and FILL OUT the Driver’s Agreement form.  表格必须由系主任签署.
  • 仅限客运货车司机:您必须完成大型货车翻车 online training through Traveler’s Insurance. 打印出来并带上你的测试结果.

Once you have completed the class, your name will be placed on the University’s insurance policy and the list of Approved Drivers. 在你被保险公司列入名单之前,你不能在学校的保险单下驾驶车辆.

请提前计划,并允许至少一周的时间来完成这个过程. 最后一分钟和紧急请求可能无法满足.


我们可以帮你准备好卡森-纽曼学生证,等你到公共安全办公室办理新生登记时就可以拿到! We just need a little information and a photo of you so that we can make your student ID.

Photo Requirements:

**照片必须在注册前的周三下午5点前提交,如果符合以下所有参数,学生可以在报到时领取身份证. 您可以在我们的办公室(上午8点至下午4点30分)领取您的身份证/徽章,但也请留出1-2个工作日的处理时间.

  • Color photo (no filters)
  • 最近6个月内拍摄的照片,反映了你现在的样子
  • 直接对着相机拍摄的全脸视图
  • Taken with a neutral facial expression (preferred) or a natural smile, and with both eyes open
  • 禁止戴帽子、太阳镜或其他遮挡视线的饰物(允许戴透明眼镜)。

* Using smartphone to take photo? 请将手机保持在水平方向.


全球赌博十大网站的所有机动车都必须在安全与安保部门注册. 徽章和访客通行证可在公共安全办公室获得.


全球赌博十大网站已经建立了一个应急响应计划, (ERP), 对于可能对校园社区构成威胁的紧急情况, 包括自然的或人为的事件. 大学明白,没有任何应急计划可以应付可能出现的每一种潜在灾难, 但其ERP的目的是与外部应急响应人员一起,为管理重大事件提供必要的基本和合理的行政指导方针.

在校园内或校园附近发生重大事故时, 学院将利用Live Safe发送简短的手机短信, email and application alerts to students, 教师和工作人员关于事件以及他们当时应该做什么. 该大学敦促校园里的每个人都注册Live Safe. Live Safe在苹果商店和Google Play都可以买到. If you experience problems signing up, please call the Department of Public Safety at 865-471-3559 寻求协助(在正常办公时间内). 唯一可能与此相关的费用是你各自的电话公司可能收取的短信费用,如果你选择了这个功能.

EMP提供了应对极端天气紧急情况的程序, criminal incidents, and pandemic flu that could cause a partial or total shutdown of the campus. Various local, state, 如有需要,联邦紧急救援人员将被请求, 每个人都应该关注当地新闻, campus email, and other emergency alert systems in the local area during critical emergencies.

在恶劣天气期间,学院有一个天气委员会,负责监测莫里斯敦的国家气象局, TN, for local weather concerns, 校长或其指定的代表将在当天晚些时候宣布取消或推迟上课. 学生及教职员应尽量熟悉校园内的各种设施,以免遇上龙卷风或其他恶劣天气,而不得不躲到地下室或封闭的地方.

大学得到当地警方的外部支持, fire, sheriff, county EMA and 911 officials during emergencies that affect the safety of the campus. 校园社区应避开此类事件附近的任何区域,并与紧急救援人员和学校管理人员合作,以确保自身安全. When a major incident occurs, 现场安全将被用来提醒校园的事件, along with emails providing instructions to students and staff on how best to protect themselves.

A partial or total lockdown of the campus may be implemented and classrooms, offices, residence halls and recreational areas will be secured as reasonably possible.

大学已采取大流行性流感计划, (PFP), 如果校园发生重大疫情,导致校园部分或全部关闭. 它将与当地的杰斐逊县卫生部密切合作,采购必要的医疗用品,并为那些病得无法照顾自己或无法回家的学生提供帮助.

Additional assistance will be afforded by the various on-campus departments, such as the food services, the wellness center nurse, counseling services, campus ministries, intramural, student activities, maintenance, and housekeeping and residence life.

在任何情况下,都可能需要大学关闭, 我们将尽一切努力疏散校园, 除了那些因为各种原因不能回家的学生, to include international travel, illness or a campus wide quarantine. 在需要疏散整个校园的情况下, 校园社区将通过LiveSafe收到通知, emails and in person as needed. In such situations, other emergency responders may assist in ensuring for the safest routes and for a place to go. 我们鼓励学生在紧急情况下让学校和他们的亲属知道他们的下落.

本政策概述了全球赌博十大网站对住在校宿舍的失踪学生的官方通知程序, 根据高等教育机会法案的要求, Section 488. In addition, 此政策旨在透过遵守《全球网赌十大网站》的规定,促进大学社区成员的安全和福利.

如果大学社区的成员有理由相信住在校园宿舍的学生失踪了, he or she should immediately notify the Department of Public Safety at (865) 548-9067. Upon receiving information that a student cannot be located and may be missing, The Department of Public Safety, along with Student Services personnel, 将展开调查,调查可能包括以下内容:

  • 对学生宿舍房间进行福利检查
  • 打电话给已知的联系人(父母、监护人、室友和朋友)
  • 如果知道,联系雇主和同事
  • Contact the student’s professor to ascertain the student’s recent attendance in class.
  • Determine if the student’s identity card has been used to enter the residence hall, dining facility, or library

如果经过合理的努力仍无法找到学生, 学生事务人员将在确定学生失踪24小时后不迟于24小时内联系学生的紧急联系人. If a Confidential Contact has been listed (see below), that person will be contacted. 如果失踪的学生未满18岁还没有独立, 公共安全部门人员将在确定学生失踪后24小时内通知学生的监护父母或法定监护人.

公共安全部会向杰弗逊城以外的执法机构提交失踪人口报告, TN, 在确定学生失踪后的24小时内.
Confidential Contact:

除了注册一个紧急联系人, 如果学生确定失踪超过24小时,住在校内宿舍的学生可以选择保密地确定一个人,由全球赌博十大网站联系. 如果学生确定了这样一个人, 全球赌博十大网站将在确定学生失踪后不迟于24小时通知该个人. 希望指定保密联系人的学生可以通过公共安全部门这样做. 学生的保密联系信息将被授权的校园官员和执法部门访问.


Department of Public Safety
Tel: (865) 471-3559